About Us


ONE PLACE is a  Film-Making social enterprise planted in the West London community. Our vision is to fix back together broken, depressed, timid young people, build their confidence and give them a new focus point through filmmaking.

The focus of our work is creativity to keep our young people away from crime life. We work with Londoners aged between 18-30, gearing them with the necessary skills, attributes, discipline such as time-keeping, following instructions and positive networks to develop and pursue their life goals.

We work with Voluntary Organisations, Probations offices, Unemployment centres, Churches and the Public to give young people with an interest in film-making a stepping stone into the film industry.

We aim to equip a generation of young people with the resilience, confidence and skills to address the challenges they face, and become positive agents for change in their communities .

We see a community that is different from the decapitated community destroyed by drug infested drug dealers and want to navigate through the opposing forces and build a new place. This is the new way of preventing crime in the community.